Farrier Services
Equine Podiatry Services
With years of clinical experience, on going research and three patents, Pete can evaluate, format and execute a detailed shoeing prescription to treat most podiatry needs.
E-mail good quality lateral radiographs and pictures of the horses feet if possible with a history of the horses’ problem. info@balancedbreakover.com
Need an Evaluation or a diagnosis?
Arrange an appointment with Pete and one of the veterinarians at Alamo Pintado Equine Medical Center in Los Olivos or with Dr. Jensen at Alisos Canyon Equine Center in Los Alamos.
- Alamo Pintado offers a complete range of diagnostics from X-Ray to MRI. www.alamopintado.com (805) 688-6510
Dr. David Jensen, San Marcos Equine, specializes in ophthalmology and podiatry, his evaluation system using computer software coincides with Pete’s patented measuring methods. www.smequine.com (805) 344-2212